Am I in Perimenopause?
Try this menopause quiz
Are you experiencing hot flushes, do you feel tired, feel anxious and are wondering if you are experiencing perimenopause?
Do you wonder if your aches and pains are due to aging or just menopause.
Our menopause quiz can help sort out if your symptoms could be related to perimenopause or menopause.
What is the difference between perimenopause and Menopause?
Menopause is defined by the cessation of periods for twelve consecutive months, with the average age of occurrence being 51.
Perimenopause begins approximately 5-7 years before menopause and is recognized by a myriad of signs caused by fluctuations in your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels.
Learn more about 34 Symptoms of Perimenoapuse

How Do You Know If You’ve Started Perimenopause?
Perimenopause can be tricky to diagnose as there is no standard test for it. It can be especially difficult for women who have had a hysterectomy as they cannot track changes in their period or menstrual cycle.
Many women find using a menopause symptom questionnaire can help them track symptoms and monitor progress and responses to treatment over time. To find out if you may be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms download the perimenopause quiz below.
During perimenopause there are many hormonal changes that occur such as fluctuating estrogen, and declining progesterone and testosterone. You also have a slow increase in follicle stimulating hormone. These hormones act on every organ system in the body including the skin and hair, heart, brain, bones, muscles and joints. Often the first changes of perimenopause may not impact periods but these other body systems.
Using the Menopause Quiz
The menopause quiz is based on a study of perimenopausal women. The symptoms listed are from Greene Climacteric Scale (GCS). It examines 3 clusters of symptoms experienced in the perimenopause and includes:
psychological symptoms of perimenopause
physical symptoms of perimenopause and
vasomotor symptoms of perimenopause.
You can also use this menopause symptom checker to assess your menopause symptoms if you are experiencing:
natural menopause
surgical menopause due to removal of your ovaries
medical menopause, for example due to medications for breast cancer treatment.
Once you have completed the perimenopause questionnaire, it can be shown to your GP or Menopause specialist so they can see the breadth and severity of your symptoms.
In your assessment, it will help determine whether and where you are in the menopause transition, based on your responses. It will also enable your health provider to provide information on your symptoms and a range of options tailored to you to support you as your transition through menopause.
Perimenopause Symptoms
Perimenopause symptom can vary in type and severity for every woman. Most women experience some symptoms during perimenopause.
Common symptoms include:
mood swings,
hot flushes (hot flashes) or night sweats
sleep disturbances
brain fog or difficulty concentrating, planning and organizing
irregular periods,
vaginal dryness
dry skin
weight gain
menstrual headaches
thinning of the hair
low libido.
If you experience any of these, it is worth completing the menopause quiz to quantify your symptoms, take a closer look at your health and speak with your doctor about perimenopause.
Get support for perimenopause & menopause
Using the questionnaire your doctor may organize tests to exclude other health conditions that mimic perimenopause and to review your long term health risks associated with menopause such as heart disease, osteoporosis, muscle wasting (sarcopenia) and diabetes
With the right support and lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet incorporating exercise into your life and managing stress, you can create health habits for life.
Menopause should be a positive and healthy transitional stage in life. So don’t delay – take this quiz today to find out if you may be experiencing the early signs of menopause!
Good luck!
While our questionnaire is an amazing tool, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Speak to your GP/healthcare provider or book an appointment with Dr Deb Brunt in our menopause clinic if you have any concerns, questions or queries about any of your answers.
Greene JG. A factor analytic study of climacteric symptoms. J Psychosom Res. 1976;20(5):425-30.